Category moderators unable to set topic timer

We are trying to give category moderators the ability to schedule topic timers, but they can’t see it for some reason.

This Discourse topic made me think that category moderator privileges would be sufficient for this, but I’m not sure:

As soon as we assigned these users TL4 they could see the topic timer. Is this intended?

Our only concern with granting these users TL4 is that they have some permissions that aren’t able to be adjusted—namely being able to see content that was flagged and hidden. Is there a middle ground here?

Hi Putty :wave:

This does seem to be expected behaviour. If you look at the Trust Level Permissions Reference guide you’ll see a lot of user actions are TL (trust level) dependant including those of category moderators.

Here is the column for category moderators:

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From what I see in the code, these actions access

are hardcoded to be only available for staff and leader (TL4).

I don’t see any way to modify this behavior (though it’s possible to do something with a TC).
I agree that it would be nice to have better granular control here.