Category Remains Muted after Category is available to Everyone

Hi Support

We have a category that is for “sneak-peaks” so select customers are invited only. Those customers had their own Group and could see this category.

The “sneak-peak” has since matured, so we have removed the Group requirement and changed the permissions to see the category as Everone See/ Reply and only Admins to create.

However, users seem to have the same category as “muted” in preferences.

How can I view all users that currently have this category as muted, and how do I remove this for them?

Thanks in advance.

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To unmute a category for all users, go to your site settings page and enter default categories into the search box. This will take you to all your default category notification settings. If the sneak-peaks category is listed in your default categories muted setting, remove it from that setting. When you save the setting, you will be asked if you “would you like to apply this change historically?” Selecting “Yes” will unmute the category for all users on your site.

If the sneak-peaks is not listed in your default categories muted setting, you can still unmute it for all users. First, add sneak-peaks to the default categories muted setting. Save the setting, but do not select the option to apply changes historically. Now, remove sneak-peaks from your default categories muted setting. Save the setting again, but this time do select the option to apply changes historically. This will unmute the category for all users.

If you have the Data Explorer plugin installed on your site, you can view the category notification levels for all users in a category with the following query:

-- string :category_name
-- string :notification_level

FROM category_users cu
JOIN categories c
ON = cu.category_id
WHERE = :category_name
AND cu.notification_level = :notification_level

To run the query, you need to supply a category name and a notification level. The notification level is set with a number. To find all users who have muted a category, enter 0 into the notification level input. The available notification levels are 0 (muted), 2 (tracking), 3 (watching), 4 (watching first post.)


I hate to be that guy but it should be “peeks” not “peaks” :wink: