Change link signup CTA

There might be more efficient ways to do this

but… one is to modify the template.

The template lives at:

And to override it you can change

{{d-button action="showCreateAccount" label="signup_cta.sign_up" icon="check" class="btn-primary"}}

To something like:

<a href="" target="_blank">Sign up</a>

In the following:

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="components/signup-cta">
	<div class="signup-cta alert alert-info">
		{{#if session.hideSignupCta}}
				{{i18n "signup_cta.hidden_for_session"}}
			<p>{{replace-emoji (i18n "signup_cta.intro")}}</p>
			<p>{{replace-emoji (i18n "signup_cta.value_prop")}}</p>

			<div class="buttons">
				{{d-button action="showCreateAccount" label="signup_cta.sign_up" icon="check" class="btn-primary"}}
				{{d-button action="hideForSession" label="signup_cta.hide_session" class="no-icon"}}
				<a {{action "neverShow"}}>{{i18n "signup_cta.hide_forever"}}</a>
		<div class="clearfix"></div>

And then add it to the </head> section of a theme.

Let me know if you need more help.