Changing FAQ to Guidelines

On the about section of my site I would like to change the FAQ text to say Guidelines instead. As i think the default post is more of guidelines than FAQ. Is this possible?


if you mean the FAQ link in the hamburger menu, that would be js.faq found here:

I’ve done this on my site but have just noticed that the “Guidelines” link goes to the /faq URL.

Is there any way of changing this to /guidelines (which incidentally does work when you type it into the browser bar)?

I’ve tried changing the faq url setting (“If you have a FAQ hosted elsewhere that you want to use, provide the full URL here.”). It accepts the relative URL but adds a second “Guidelines” button/link at the top of the page.

Whats the hamburger menu? Im new to all this so am not sure. And I mean where it says About, Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy & FAQ on the about page. Sorry if that is what you mean

it’s the menu between the avatar and the search (:wink:) icon (there a hard refresh is needed to see the modification). On the about page, the same parameter js.faq is used for the tab title.

Not that I’m aware of, seems to be hardcoded :thinking:

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Thanks for this and it now classes them as guidelines. Do you know which plugin I can use to change the URL from /faq to /guidelines? Also thanks for explaining what the hamburger menu is. :slight_smile: