Chat messages don't get marked as edited in certain cases

It seems like chat messages aren’t getting marked as edited if their author edits them quickly.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Send a chat message.
  2. Immediately edit it.

I can confirm this is happening

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I can reproduce this on 2 forums, and I found that I had 15 ish seconds to edit without the little (edited) thing


There is now a grace period for editing chat messages, so you don’t get an (edited) each time you fix a tiny typo:


Is there some way to disable that?

I believe there are some settings to go with it :+1:

  • chat editing grace period (seconds since message created)
  • chat editing grace period max diff for low trust levels (number of characters changed)
  • chat editing grace period max diff for high trust levels (number of characters changed)

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