Chat/chat groups/notifications are all set up.
I receive desktop notifications for @name and for chat messages without @name.
Mobile: @name without problems BUT
Mobile: I don’t receive push notifications for normal chat messages (private+groups).
Samsung S6/Android 7.0
I cannot install Discourse Hub, the device is too old.
I had the browser URL (Vivaldi+SamsungInet, both work) linked to an “app” display, login etc. worked without any problems.
All permissions are set.
How did you get notifications to work for desktop notifications? I have my browsers set to allow all the notifications and permissions I can, and I have the Discourse user preferences set to the noisiest settings, yet I see no visual or audible notifications when people send me chat messages. Because of this, chat is far less useful than it could be for my community
I’m running Ubuntu with Firefox and Brave browsers, as well as Android Firefox and Brave browsers.
@chapoi thanks for the response. I’m curious: are you planning to use the standard browser Notification API? This works well across all my browsers these days, and ironically, it works in Discourse for example when I send a private message (at least on desktop but not on Android). Are there particular browsers or platforms where the chat works as expected? There are clearly preferences about audible chimes and push notifications, so it must be working for somebody. If you can point me to the relevant git branch perhaps I could contribute to the effort.
We just tried Discourse chat and were super sad to find out that push notifications don’t work for chat notifs. They do seem to work fine for Personal Messages and other notifications, though. Hope it gets resolved soon!
Discourse chat is really great and but not having notifications working is deal breaking.
Like others in this thread I thought notifications in chat were not working at all but then I noticed that they do work if someone @s me. Notifications are NOT working for these use cases:
when I subscribe for all events in a channel
If @s can work I’m hoping there is a straightforward path to get DMs to work as well. Not having DM notifications is our main blocker.
@mcwumbly - I saw in another thread from ~ a year or so ago you said that improving notifications for chat was on your radar. Any updates?
@Falco I’ve also found posts from you about you relying on Web Push Notifications for your job. Any idea why it’s not working for me on desktop? I have “Live Notifications” enabled in my user prefs and confirmed on Chrome, Firefox and Safari that notifications from my site are allowed. No luck.