Tiktok needs @ and Youtube uses url of forum
I don’t use tiktok - do you have an example username i can use to experiement with?
Well, mine is jagster64 - that is quite safe to use because I don’t publish.
Fixed - added to the pull request
Pull request submitted to add Strava support - hopefully @weallwegot will tolerate my slightly mess pull request :-s
Hm, temporary-twitter-x was changed back to fab-twitter. Was this done by purpose or by mistake? Anyway, the old Twitter bird is there again instead of the new X logo.
Thanks for the spot - i’ve created a pull request to update it to twitter’s rebrand
Thank you! But unfortunately you need to change fa-x-twitter to temporary-twitter-x, as fa-x-twitter is Fontawesome 6, which does not work in Discourse, yet.
I think it should
Updated with the right X icon…knowing that every Branding and Marketing expert just felt a cold shiver but can’t explain why
Done some testing - can confirm that FA6 icon works - pull request updated
Yeah interesting, Fontawesome 6 seems to work now with Discourse!
With the correct icon I can also see it. Cool! Thanks a lot!