Cloudflare with Discourse

server down, I feel no one is interested in helping me. :confused:

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cloudflare cloud is off

We are trying to help.
We have to understand the issue first. There can be any number of reasons that may cause discourse to not be able to install or not be displayed.

We need to figure out the exact issue before suggesting a solution.

I have the vultr+cloudflare hosted discourse for a client and it is working fine so this has something to do with the way you are installing discourse.


installed it is in the air

How can I check if everything is ok?

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First thing to check is if your installation actually succeed?
Were there any errors or did the installer exit successfully?

Is there a firewall blocking connections?

Did your IP address change in the process? Your subdomain is now replying with a different IP address

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=41 time=25.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=41 time=25.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=41 time=25.0 ms

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 25.007/25.024/25.034/0.183 ms

Yes, I changed the IP and did a new installation. you can access

I’m trying to access but I get the same error.

I did an installation following the guide. For the domain

But when accessing the link, it does not show the installation screen.

The same mistake that happens with a one click digitalocean

how to verify that it is installed correctly

It would be helpful to see the end of the ./discourse-setup output. All we’re seeing in your screenshots at the moment is memory stats.

If you didn’t save that output, try running the following, and sharing the end of that output.

cd /var/discourse
./launcher rebuild app

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That looks normal from what I can see. Do note that you’re going to need to change your SMTP password as it is shown in the screenshot.

As Bhanu previously suggested, I’m leaning towards a firewall, or other networking issue. DNS looks good, assuming your current server is at, but the connection is being refused, which means the request is never making it into the server itself.


I’m using

I already installed it on vultr, digitalocean and also with a click on digitalocean.
Also tested with 4GB
the errors were the same, I can’t enter

How many times have you installed it?

If you’ve exhausted the certificate issuance limit for your domain you will need a week before Let’s Encrypt will issue a certificate.


The cloud is off, I’m not using SSL.

Let’s Encrypt isn’t Cloudflare.

Let’s Encrypt is free SSL, Cloudflare is DNS, CDN and anti-DDOS.

If there was any VPS firewall policy in place preventing you from accessing the server, and you reinstalled multiple times, then you likely exhausted the certificate issuance quota for seven days, and are now on cooldown.


The error occurs from the first time.
Where can I check for certificate issuance?
Which makes no sense since the cloud is down, ssl is not active.


Doesn’t mean this:

If you entered an email to enable Let’s Encrypt, then the server would request a certificate from Let’s Encrypt.

If you exhaust the number of requests, Let’s Encrypt won’t issue a new certificate for seven days.

Yes I can insert, but to my knowledge the discourse works without ssl.

SSL I still can’t have access

So yes, you are requesting a SSL certificate. However, this report:

…indicates that you’ve created five identical certificates within the last week–in fact, all of them were created on 27 Dec, within a span of 45 minutes:

Let’s Encrypt won’t issue another cert until tomorrow. And since the web server configuration requires the cert, it won’t start, which is why you’re getting the “connection refused” error.

Wait until tomorrow after 0230Z (which, if I have my math right, is about an hour from now) and re-run the installation. The cert should create properly, and then you should be good to go.


I have to redo the installation?
but can I continue with the same IP? Or create a new server?

I don’t think it’s the certificate problem, the error happens since the first time I installed the certificate.

I tried several different servers and configurations.