I have been trying and failing () for the past week to setup discourse on DigitalOcean and have it connect to my Cloudways site.
Server: Cloudways
Email Server: Elastic Email on Cloudways
Discourse Droplet: Digital Ocean
I have Wordpress based site on Cloudways “example.com” I’m trying to setup Discourse as a subdomain “forum.example.com” I went through multiple guides and simply cannot get the server to show discourse or the domain to point to the droplet. On installed, I want the wordpress and discourse connected via the plugin.
If someone is familiar with this setup, I would like to pay to have this completed and working properly.
You can use https://dashboard.literatecomputing.com/ to create a new droplet and install Discourse there. You’ll select " Pro Installation (Custom SMTP) ($400)" to use your custom SMTP setup. That’ll get Discourse installed.
If you have an existing droplet named forum.example.com, please delete it before starting the installation. The script will create a new droplet with its SSH keys installed.
If you purchase that I’ll also help you get WordPress connected.