I have been having bugs/tech issues and I created this topic to inform you of a bug I’ve been experiencing for the past few weeks.
When I go to an existing topic, replies can sometimes disappear when the page finishes loading.
The discourse manager said there’s nothing regarding the bug on his side and might be on your side.
Any questions?
Hello and welcome @TriShotFlurry 
I’m afraid we’re going to need more detail to be able to replicate this issue. Could you be more specific in how/when this is occurring? Is this behaviour also something you can reproduce here on meta? What device/browser are you using? (If you could also share a link to a topic where this is happening that could also be useful).
Windows 11 latest version on a Google Chrome browser with a bunch of windows open (been busy lately) I also sent feedback to other users and they didn’t see anything, so is the issue for me on our discourse I contribute?
I use the LegacySurvey.org discussion here Been having tach issues lately, and a bug with the website? - #2 by TriShotFlurry - Site Feedback - LegacySurvey.org Discussion.
Could this be a spam auto-tool at work? Posts can sometimes be removed from public view and sent to the Review Queue for moderation. Would any of the disappearing comments be from new users or similar?
I will try to ask the manager of this Discourse to try and disable this feature so we can see the replies.
Thanks in advance. 
He wasn’t able to disable the feature because he had gone to the review page and could not find anything related. Thoughts? 
As we’ve not had multiple reports of this it may be something specific to that site. Could you try safe mode and see if the same behaviour occurs?
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Hi. apologies for the months of delays, I had been away.
I still been to discuss.legacysurvey.org and the comments are still dissapearing, even if I still activated safe mode.
Can I talk to dustin to figure out what the problem is, I have been told it was just me.
Okay, I found an issue regarding these dissapearing comments.
I checked Web inspect and it seems to be something to do with “cloaked posts”
not sure what that means and I may investigate