Compose Center

Install this theme component

Hello :wave:

Compose Center is a place for all type of composing options. The idea was a place where you can easily handle your composing content.


  • New Topic
  • New Message
  • New Chat Message
  • Drafts
  • Pending Posts

I don’t want to hack the original layout and design so this made for the Default theme. Originally it can work pretty cool with a three column theme right sidebar. So it replaces the default + New Topic button with a Compose button. The content opens in DMenu and show a banner, profile avatar, user status, new topic/open draft, message, chat buttons, drafts and pending posts.

Quick buttons and links:

  • on banner My Drafts button: link to drafts
  • on banner pencil icon (edit): link to preferences/profile
  • on avatar (hover) pencil icon (edit): link to preferences/account
  • user status: opens user status modal
  • new topic/open draft button: opens topic composer
  • message button: opens pm composer
  • chat buttons: opens new chat message modal

The banner background is the blurred profile avatar if the user card background hasn’t setted up.


With draft

With pending posts

User status

Theme Translations

:heart: Credit: I’ve integrated the New Topic Header Button theme component in it. This is inspired by Central theme profile block.


Nice work Don, installed on my personal site and I really this feature. :clap:

I’m not getting the new topic button on the header though, even if I preview from the component in admin. :thinking:


Thanks Lilly, I am glad you like it! :heart:

No, sorry I mean I integrate that component functionality in the DMenu. So the New Topic button code you see in DMenu is mostly coming from the New Topic Header Button theme component. :slight_smile:


Hah, after I posted, I was wondering if I was just misunderstanding the OP. Thank you for clarifying. (And when I think about it, I’d prefer to not have it in the header anyways.)

I really like that composer modal and would like to be able to open it from the sidebar, but one can create a custom section to do the same things.

I like the look of the little pop-up you made :smiley:


Is it possible to customize the color of this button to be the same as the button color of the theme you previously posted?


I’ve found a bug that makes the customized state settings disappear after refreshing.

Hello :wave:

I’ve added to the button the create-topic id so it will use that style now. I’ve also noticed a missing point…this button is appears to anon too. I’ve fixed it. FIX: Hide Compose button for anons and adds create-topic id to it by VaperinaDEV · Pull Request #4 · VaperinaDEV/discourse-compose-center · GitHub

I think this is an issue with user status in core. I have already a topic about it here: User status stops working for admins but I have to investigate it more… If you navigate to a topic or somewhere then it will appear again. So this issue is not related with this theme component.


Hello :wave:

I’ve merged an update to handle instances where chat is disabled. So now chat is not required to use this component. :slightly_smiling_face: Because of this I’ve changed the OP and added a Theme Creator link too.


Just FYI — came along with new multiple drafts. Not a major one.


Thanks @Jagster, fixed by FIX: drafts label i18n · VaperinaDEV/discourse-compose-center@6a58764 · GitHub :slightly_smiling_face:


What is interface_button_title translation/setting for? It does not seem to get used anywhere…


Hello :wave: Yeah, it looks like it left from a previous version. I’ll remove it. :+1:


I upgraded Diacourse recently, and at same time I lost translation of compose button.

No hurry.


Hello, Is it fixed by this? Translation of Bookmark button is lost - #2 by david

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Yes, it did :+1:

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