Comprehensive documentation for settings?

Is there a single, comprehensive place where the various discourse settings are documented?

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There is not at this time - is there something in particular you’re looking for?


Nothing in particular right now. I’m setting up discourse for a client and they asked for some documentation on the ocean of settings.


Most of the settings that need to be tweaked are handled in the setup wizard for the site. Beyond that, there’s some tweaking you can do, but it shouldn’t always be necessary. If you’re hosted with us, don’t hesitate to send us an email if you need some assistance!


Mostly you can rely on defaults being sensible. Don’t go looking for trouble. :wink: A big help is knowing that the search searches the names, descriptions, and values of all those settings.

If you don’t want to ask for free help here publicly, I and others are available at an hourly rate.


Hello Aaron, care to have a chat/call on this? I am currently looking at how we at Discourse can improve this, so any feedback you can offer is super welcome!

And to speak to your question, each setting is documented within the setting itself, so you find text/notes/tooltips underneath the setting themselves explaining them, and each text in the description and the setting text itself is searchable, as we try to use descriptive keywords.

So while there isn’t a documentation as you may have asked for, the description helps me and I use the Filter box to search through the settings to make sense of it.

The filter box:

Searching through the tooltips to see if anything matches or deals with document… ation?

I hope this helps in a way of some sorts.