Configure Twitter login and rich embeds for Discourse

Finally ‘fixed’ the site (migrated from phpbb Tuesday) and got embed to work, but the size is crazy - anyone know the fix for that?


They have recently added Environment setting.

My app is set to Development. There are two other options: Production and Staging.

Should I change to either of the two?


Edit: Used the wrong keys lol fixed it

Is there a way to rebuild posts that have Twitter links before the API was set up? Not a huge deal if there’s no way to retroactively embed them but would be cool


how you fix it? my link are broken


I can’t get approved, what did you do to get it so fast?


I assume approvals are going to be very very slow for the foreseeable future, there was a massive staff reduction at twitter recently


Do you know why posts embedded by twitter appear like this?

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The upgrading (for free) the twitter dev account to the Elevated tier is crucial to get this to work - Please include in the OP for future discoursers. Thanks. :+1:


What’s the deal with 500 error when posting a topic with one or more twitter embeds?

Sometimes occurs when posting or when editing OP post or maybe another post with twitter links.

I’ve also seen discourse serve the “Oops…” white page message of text post implementation of above twitter API’s guide, though it works, it’s buggy.

Maybe something in configuration side or DNS/Cloudflare needs to be additionally tweaked?

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I’m not seeing this issue since running an update a few hours after this post, it was pretty close to latest with only about 36 commits new.


What is OP? i dont understand

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Original post. So the first post of the topic is meant. You can also see that the first post was edited and the information was added


Followed the guide and have an elevated account on the twitter apis.

Links to twitter still appears without preview.

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Have you tried making an API call from the terminal on the machine in question?

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No, can you point me to a guide of how to test it?

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Did anyone have an issue with getting elevated access? Described my use cases with links to website and this topic, but got rejected.

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Twitter is going to change access to the APIs starting the 9th of this month.

Maybe we should reflect that in the guide so that it’s clear that this will need to use a paid feature of twitter.


It’s been updated.

Here’s a story about it. I’ll be surprised if they manage to make it work by then. It sounds like they don’t even know what they intend to do.

EDIT: Oh. I this might be considered off-topic; I didn’t (completely) mean to make this about whether one might ever want to use twitter. Maybe don’t reply along the lines of “Twitter might not be a good idea” and only with stuff like “I tried it and it {did not work|worked}” :slight_smile:


Color me surprised :stuck_out_tongue:


I actually re-wrote (currently as a draft) the whole tutorial two days before Twitter’s announcement … :sob:

There are still parts to clean up and refine, but since Twitter is going to change its plans, it’s on hold until we know more about it. :crossed_fingers:
If we’re lucky, my re-writing will still be relevant!