Hey there everyone! I’ve been loving the hell out of the Discourse chat integration plugin, but I started to think of other ways I could integrate Discourse with Discord. I think I found a pretty neat idea - bringing Trust Levels to Discord.
I’m writing a Discord bot that will allow a user to link their discourse user to their discord through the bot. Then, when the bot sees that the user has, say, trust level 2, it’ll give them a role on the server that the bot is running on.
I plan to have it configurable to work with more than just trust levels, i.e, if you get admin on discourse, you get it on discord too.
There are a few things I’m not totally certain on how I’m going to accomplish them, namely linking user accounts together (maybe there’s some sort of OAuth2 magic I can use?) but I think it’s a really neat idea and I’ve already gotten the bot to at least connect to both discord and discourse and allow me to see a list of commands in the bot and hot-reload them.
The bot is written in node.js and fully configurable through a single json file - and setting up trust level roles in Discord is just as easy as creating any other Discord role - it’s just that the bot needs to know what trust levels get what roles.
For those interested and who want to help me out with this, here’s a github repo: https://github.com/alkalinethunder/discourse-tl-for-discord