Confirm Administrator Account not working

Hi, I am trying to elevate a user’s permission to Admin. The email notification I get asking “Confirm Administrator Account” takes me to a link that seems to be a broken Discourse . Discourse displays the following error

You have to log in before clicking that link.

Or perhaps you’ve edited a template and the link is broken?

Thanks Jay! I had logged in as Admin before clicking the link. Which template are you referring to where I could have broken the link?

How was this instance installed? How is it configured? Are you using a subfolder?

Hi Stephen, I followed the directions for installing on AWS EC2. I did not create any subfolder.

You followed these instructions?

Stephen, it has been a while since I installed. I think this is what I did:

Hostname for your Discourse? []: 

Email address for admin account(s)? [,]: 
SMTP server address? []: 
SMTP port? [587]: 
SMTP user name? []: 
SMTP password? [pa$word]: 
Let's Encrypt account email? (ENTER to skip) []: 

This will generate an app.yml configuration file on your behalf, and then kicks off bootstrap. Bootstrapping takes between 2-8 minutes to set up your Discourse. If you need to change these settings after bootstrapping, you can run ./discourse-setup again (it will re-use your previous values from the file) or edit /containers/app.yml manually with nano and then ./launcher rebuild app , otherwise your changes will not take effect.