Connection timed out when running SSH connection command

Following the steps from the repo mentioned here, I attempted to run the SSH connection command, but it said: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out. Any ideas?

Do I still have to run the SSH command at all if I am running it on a Pi?

Can you install tmux or screen on the Pi? I haven’t used
screen, but I’ve used tmux to deal with the connection timeout issues in the past. You don’t have to become a tmux super user to use it: Getting Started · tmux/tmux Wiki · GitHub

Well, I just skipped it and there isn’t any errors so far. I’m at the email stage now and there doesn’t seem to be any error messages.

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If you are ON your pi, then there is no need to SSH into it. It’s only if/when you are remotely logging into your pi from another machine that you’d need it.

This guide is targeted at VPS installs and you are necessarily remote in the usual circumstance.


Right. Thanks for the explanation!

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