Contact email receives too much notifications

In some settings, the contact email is Cced on “thank you” messages that are sent to users changing trust levels, and other similar emails. Can those be muted?

I’m not certain how this came to be, but it’s quite a lot of messages and their usefulness is not always obvious to the contact team.

What kind of settings would that be?

Depending on what you want to change, look at either contact email or site contact username.

Sounds like you’ve changed the latter and people are replying to automatic messages?


People are not replying, the contact email/username is sent a copy.

Sorry I’m being terse I’m on the road

This is the kind of message we get: you can see that the contact group is copied…

Note that we also receive “Thanks for spending time with us!”

Also, here are the required ‘contact’ settings:

Remove "contact’ from the “site contact group name” box and leave it empty instead

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So that there is no contact team anymore? Nope.

So if you configure a user in site contact group name then that user will receive a copy of all those PM’s.
If you don’t want to get notifications for those, you should change the email notification settings for that user.

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But then a user is not a group, so only one person will receive those messages.

I think the issue here is not about who received notifications or not, not whether they are sent on the site or by email.

The issue is information overload. There should be a way to allow a group of people to receive contact email, while not being notified of every single change of trust levels. The latter initiation is important, but surely there are other ways to track it. Contact emails should be reserved to humans trying to contact humans.

So you’ll need to

  • configue as the contact email
  • configure that as the incoming group inbox email address for the group of people that needs to receive those emails
  • leave site contact group name empty.