Email notifications to contact email are rejected

What happens

When contact email is set to a group
And the group receives a notification (e.g., Update available)
Then the email notification is rejected with Email::Receiver::AutoGeneratedEmailError

What should happen

The group should be notified (either by internal notification or email notification).
No email should be rejected.

To clarify, the contact email setting is not “set to a group”, it sends an email, which is routed to a group.

Two settings you might check:

  • block auto generated emails
  • auto generated allowlist

You should be able to add the email from your site so auto-generated messages are sent through. :+1:


I didn’t know about the autogenerated_allowlist setting, thank you! I thought it was a bug because it’s an internal email sender, so I guess it should be in that list by default.

With the current, empty defaults, we leave it to site operators to adjust auto-generated message handling in Discourse.

I for one do not accept auto-generated messages in my Discourse sites. :slight_smile:

This sounds like an interesting use-case, but not one that I know of; perhaps we just need better messaging/notifications around certain actions… although I presumed admin users are notified about updates (I know I am!), and non-admin users would not be able to do anything with an “update available” message…? :thinking: I’m sure a feature topic explaining the situation would be appreciated. :+1:

I agree this type of messages is not useful for non-admins. But it’s also weird to see an error message for that. I could allow the source to get rid of the error, but then an irrelevant message would reach the contact group inbox. There’s already a topic complaining about Contact email receives too much notifications.

I will think about a feature formulation.