Control the visibility of /faq and /about

Since the advent of Page Publishing, we now have amazing control of static pages in Discourse including the ability to make them public or not. However, in login-required instances the /faq and /about pages (which are high value) are hidden and there is no facility to make them public. It would be very helpful to allow this. It would also make the behaviour consistent across static pages.


In public instances all of /privacy, /tos, /faq, and /about are public. But in login-required sites (like mine), /privacy and /tos remain public while /faq and /about are private. This made sense as the former were exposed in the Sign Up dialogue.

The problem is that our potential users would like to see who the administrators and moderators are as well as read the FAQs. An ‘about’ page is expected on most services before sign-up, and the /login page is limited in what it can allow.

Suggested Solutions

At the mo, in /admin/site_settings/category/all_results?filter=faq we can point /faq to a public page and link to it directly as a partial workaround - however the nice navigation options don’t work. And there is no workaround for /about

  1. Having site settings to control the visibility of /privacy, /tos, /faq, and /about would be one way that could work.
  2. Allowing visibility control as per Page Publishing on each of the controlling topics could work nicely and remove the need for any admin settings. Wouldn’t work so nicely for /about though.

I was just rooting around in the page publishing thread looking for this exact thing. The (weirdly named) FAQ page would be something I’d like to make public. We use SSO, so forum accounts aren’t created until they log in with their main account, but the guidelines should be public and visible even though they’re not logged in. I would like this VERY very much… otherwise I think I’m going to have to create a mirror page with the same information (And try to remember to update it) so we can link it from the main site.


I am looking for this same functionality. We would greatly like to make these pages public, or at least the /About page.

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