I think creating the personal chat works a bit odd now. I mean, if userA creates a new personal chat but hasn’t posted anything to the channel, then to userB show up an unread green (1) badge which is in this case indicates that a new personal channel has been created?
I think it would be better if the new channel is only created for userB when userA sent the first message.
I have the same issue, it’s hella annoying Same when you have personal chats on the left side, and click it, the other person gets the notification and when they click it, see nothing, then I get the notification… #infiniteLoop
We’ve come across a funny bug so whenever I open the chat box towards my friend Simon, but I do NOT type anything. He gets a notification (green circle ball) next to our chat window.
If he checks his messages, he obviously doesn’t see anything because I haven’t typed anything. BUT this makes it so that I get a green circle next to his name. Resulting into an infinite loop of chat notifications without writing any chat messages.
I’ve had it a few times with different people now.
These green balls (not showing personal chats, since I don’t want to expose their names)
or Maybe it is, but then it’s super weird behavior… If I click on the chat the ball disappears. Which would be weird behavior since they are still online. It basically disappears when I read the chat window.
Also next post has an example of having a chat notification the same way without having any chat ongoing.