Create tags outside of new post

Are you able to create tags without also creating a new post / tagging a post?
Since synonyms list seems to require the synonym to also be a tag, this would be useful.

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Yes you are able


I only see “upload CSV”. Is this the only way to create tags outside of posts?

The first option, you create a group and then you can add your tags

you group your tags.

even can set that only staff can use a group of tags

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Thanks, I suppose a group makes sense for synonyms :slight_smile:
Although synonyms doesn’t seem to work as I expected. After adding tags like windows and linux being synonyms for desktop, they disappear. Also searching #windows doesn’t show posts tagged with #desktop

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There is no option to create new tags, i.e. outside new post creation box.

Do I necessarily need to create a tag-group to create a new tag outside the compose (new msg) window?


It’s a reasonable idea… if we’re adding tag descriptions, perhaps we should add the ability to create a tag from this page as well, cc @neil


Yes! I am encountering this issue right now.

For the Discourse Category Experts plugin, you can specify certain tags to be added to posts if topics in that category contain a reply from someone in the group you specify.

The thing is, you can only choose created tags, which means I’d need to:

  1. add the tag to a post
  2. remove the tag from a post
  3. navigate back to the category settings and add that tag to the category experts setting within it

Super cumbersome!

I think this feature request was to be able to create tags from the tag synonym page (which you can now do :partying_face:).

It may be worth splitting this off into a new category-experts feature request if you’d like tag creation on another page.

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