Creating a pop-up survey


I’m seeking support to understand if it’s possible to implement a pop-up survey on Discourse. e.g. using a survey tool such as Qualtrics

Or I wonder if Discourse is providing a pop-up survey function as itself.

If you have experience with implementing pop-up surveys in Discourse, could you please share an example? Plus, it would be extremely helpful to know if there is an existing function within Discourse for this purpose.

Thank you in advance!

I don’t know but everybody hate pop-ups. Those jumps and covers content when an user tries read or find something. Way too easy close and then it is totally missed opportunity for admins.

We do have the Discourse Surveys plugin, which does provide some frontend survey capabilities which can be reported on using the data explorer (on our hosting, this particular plugin is available on our Enterprise plans).

We do also have some special oneboxing for TypeForm, which could be a good alternative depending on how swish you’d like your surveys to be:

However, neither of these options is a pop-up version. :frowning:


Thank you for your answer! Super useful.
One more quick question, does Discourse also support Qualtrics like TypeForm?
Many thanks.

Not in the same way I don’t think (though always worth a try pasting one in and checking :slight_smile:), but you may be able to add it in as an allowed iframe (using the allowed iframes setting). I’m not familiar with Qualtrics though, so it may take a little exploring to find out for sure.

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