Custom bookmark reminder is unusable

Tested on both Chrome and Firefox. Bookmark a post or topic, then configure or edit the bookmark and set a custom reminder.

  • The last custom date time is hidden and appears only when selecting “Custom date and time”. Furthermore, the last custom date time is always the current time
  • Also changing the custom date time settings will change the last custom date time immediately. I believe that the last custom date time should only be changed after the reminder has been finalized
  • Clicking on the date textbox does not open the date selector
  • The relative minute/hour/day/etc selector always immediately changes back to minute after input
  • The date selector will start working after the relative minute/hour/day/etc has been changed at least once

Are you experiencing that issue here on Meta or on another site? It seems to be working fine for me on Chrome.

I am experiencing it on meta, as well as another site.

I get the following error in the browser console when selecting customize bookmark on the other site

Uncaught TypeError: this.element is null
    _loadPikadayPicker date-picker.js:35
    invoke backburner.js.js:280
    flush backburner.js.js:197
    flush backburner.js.js:358
    _end backburner.js.js:798
    end backburner.js.js:589
    _run backburner.js.js:842
    run backburner.js.js:624
    run Ember
    onreadystatechange load-script.js:38
    _loadPikadayPicker date-picker.js:35
    invoke backburner.js.js:280
    flush backburner.js.js:197
    flush backburner.js.js:358
    _end backburner.js.js:798
    end backburner.js.js:589
    _run backburner.js.js:842
    run backburner.js.js:624
    run Ember
    onreadystatechange load-script.js:38

Are you selecting “Custom” when the bookmark pop-up appears? If not, I think that would be expected behavior.

I actually just can’t change that at all, until the field is filled out.

The only two things from experimenting with it just now that seemed really unexpected to me was that the date/time selector instantly got changed by the relative time picker, even when I cancelled my changes. (It doesn’t visually change until I cancel and reopen, but it does occur) Furthermore, if I manually blanked out the relative field before canceling, then it caused the picker to change to the current time.

I am not. I think it would make more sense to always show the option rather than having to select custom before selecting last custom

I disagree, I open my bookmarks purely to remove them sometimes, and I’d rather it not try to set a reminder when I do that.

Edit: Doh! I misread the OP, Read it again now, and I can’t reproduce your issue with bullet 1. I can now, but you must have not opened the “Custom” date setter on your current page refresh for it to occur.

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Any chance you can make a video with this issue, I am having a hard time reproducing.

I am confident something is wrong here just am unable to reproduce from the steps in the OP

This is so weird I just tried the exact same thing here and it is not reproducing.

Can anyone else reproduce this?

Nope, I’ve just spent 5 mins trying and it all works fine for me on Meta with latest Chrome on Mac.

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Maybe not an issue for admins … Let’s see if any TL1 users have this issue?

Personally, I can only reproduce some of these issues. Specifically, the “Last” time appearing only after selecting Custom, and the inability to change the minutes to anything else. However, I can freely type in the relative time box (and it doesn’t disappear), and then the Minutes selector will allow me to change it. I am on mobile however, perhaps some of these are specific to desktop.

I think I can repro :raised_hand:


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Update: The forums software was updated to 3.3.0.beta3-dev (f5a0da6eba) and issues 3 and 5 are fixed.