Hello everyone! I noticed that due to recent licensing changes Discourse removed Joy Pixels from the emoji sets. I have a license for Joy Pixels and was wondering how I can upload the set back, so it is integrated with the emoji picker and not just the custom emojis section.
I’m still wondering if this would be possible. I did see the setting in my site admin section called external emoji url
but I am not sure what it wants in the directory of that URL.
Under Admin → Customize, there is an emoji menu where you can upload custom emojis for use anywhere on your site.
I believe I misunderstood. You want to upload a whole emoji set.
My only real issue with that is that I want to completely replace the emoji set with Emoji One instead of just adding a few custom ones.
That is technically doable using this setting as a hack.
Upload the emoji set you want to a website you control, follow the directory structure we use and borrow one of the existing sets name. For example, let’s say you have https://cookieman-emojis.com
for this:
Create a folder at the root of the website named
Upload you custom emoji set inside that folder following the directory/file structure you see at discourse/public/images/emoji/google at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub
Test if it works by visiting
. Does it shows the correct emoji? -
Go to your own Discourse instance and set
external emoji url
. Also setemoji set
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