Custom sidebar sections being tested on meta

This may need updating:

  1. There’s no option to Enable custom sidebar sections in the settings menu
  2. After adding a custom sidebar section using the + option at the bottom of the sidebar, on needs to click on the Edit icon on the sidebar which edits the custom sidebar selection directly. If the custom sidebar section is created by the Admin then it applies to everyone (unless I’m missing something). Users can however create more custom sidebar sections if they choose but cannot edit the ones created by the Admin

As RBoy says, I think this is no longer a setting now and you should have the buttons to add and edit the sections ready and waiting on the navigation menu. :+1:


Also worth noting that “sidebar” has been deprecated in favor of “navigation menu” in the core and in settings documentation and most labels. Searching in Admin-Settings for sidebar is likely going to yield incomplete results.


Did this get implemented into the main, or is the CSS fix still the correct way to reorder them?

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@Drew-ART , you can do the re-ordering with this component:


I added a link for preferences /my/preferences but it is also visible to users who are not logged in. Is there any way to make it visible to only logged-in users?

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@kynic you can do it with my component in the post directly above :slight_smile:

There is a show these links for logged-in only setting.


I tried with these:




But it does still show up for non-logged-in users.

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Did you try with capitalized “Preferences”? It works for me. If it doesn’t work, update the component and try again.


With Capital, it worked! :grinning:


12 posts were split to a new topic: Published page not working in custom sidebar panel

As custom sections are no longer a test and are now included on all sites I’m going to close off this topic. :+1:

If anyone has any issues feel free to open up a support, feature, ux, bug topic as appropriate. :slight_smile: