Customise text for TL3 promotion PM

I’ve found the PM text for TL1 (system_messages.welcome_tl1_user.text_body_template) and TL2 (system_messages.tl2_promotion_message.text_body_template), but can’t find the equivalent for TL3. What is it? Thanks.

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There is no TL3 promotion PM, last time I checked. I got TL3 promotion several times and never got a PM from the forum

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I think you can set one up with the Automation plugin though using the ‘Send PMs’ script with a ‘User Promoted’ trigger:

Thanks. I can see why there might not be one for demotion but I’d always thought there was one for promotion. Having said that, it was a surprise when I first noticed I could edit the title of someone else’s post, so maybe there was no warning…

I’ll look into that but it seems like a disproportionate amount of effort, as I’m not already using that plugin.


FWIW It’s actually really easy once it’s installed (and the plugin has lots of other useful features too once you get into it). It’s basically the dropdowns in the screenshot + writing the message itself, and it should JustWork™.