Customize site text on Discourse - pros and cons

I see Discourse gives an option to customize site text.

Question is when I try to do it, it gives me a long list of places where to change it.

My questions:

  1. Is it recommended to change the UX copy or will it create a dissonance by breaking the uniformity or making the instructions complicated?
  2. Is it required to change all variations of a certain word/phrase in all areas if we decide to change the text?

It is totally up to you, and a little bit how users see it. But of course it is smart to keep some consistency and use the same word or expression in the same context all the time. But that depends. English, and the English used in more IT environments, is actually quite limited or poor, there isn’t too much variety.

But customization is quite a common thing to do, because defaults try to be ones that suit everyone, and are then a compromise.

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Thanks for the input @Jagster This makes sense and I agree.

Open to other perspectives from the community.

Only do it if you have a reason to make the change. There are cases where there are good reasons to customize the text.

Have a look at this topic: Find a translation key with verbose localization. It shows you how to enable “verbose localization” so that you can see exactly where in the UI the text for a translation key is used.

If you enable verbose localization, use the method outlined in the “Enabling the setting for an individual session” section of the guide (Find a translation key with verbose localization). Enabling verbose localization through the verbose localization site setting will just make the site look strange for its other users.


Do you want to call topics something different or do you want a language other than English. There are many translations available.