Daily Summary (1pm UTC)

Today on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats

  • New posts: 128
  • New topics: 12

Top users:

  1. Moin (30 likes, 15 posts)
  2. merefield (22 likes, 10 posts)
  3. Lilly (21 likes, 9 posts)
  4. simon (14 likes, 9 posts)
  5. _thiago (11 likes, 7 posts)

Interesting Topics





  • pbouda proposed adding SCIM support to Discourse as a service provider, which would improve user and group management through a standardized REST API.


  • gormus shared feedback on the Slack integration plugin, noting some issues with Slack Enterprise URL schemes and potential conflicts with slash commands.

#Site feedback



  • gerhard provided an update on the converter framework project, mentioning that it’s still in early stages and will take a few more months before it’s ready for actual migrations.


Activity by the @team Group

Lilly was particularly active, providing support on various topics:

awesomerobot provided a solution for removing stats from the Home page by editing site translations.

gerhard gave an update on the current projects for September 2024, focusing on the converter framework development.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again tomorrow! :slight_smile: