After running the /wizard and selecting the Dark theme my users are still seeing the light theme. User profile settings show two “Dark” options listed (only one of them changes the theme). Users who had default interface color setting are not seeing the dark theme once activated—they still see the light theme.
I’m running 2.0.0-beta9 after recently updating from beta7 (from which my site was created).
If it’s not easy to repro just LMK and I can try a back-up and restore on my end. I’m still relatively early in the audience building process so now would be a good time for me to make some mistakes.
Thanks for trying @jomaxro, think we can just assume I hit some corner case somewhere. Looking over the steps you provided the only difference I see might be running the wizard several times and switching back and forth as if the user wasn’t sure what they wanted. Whatever it was hopefully it’ll just vanish as the custom themes code bakes. Cheers and thanks again.