Data explorer editor not keeping cursor position

Priority/Severity: low-medium?

Platform: Tested in Firefox. discourse data explorer plugin starting from commit d31d899 - Aug 27, 2024.

When editing in the data explorer editor, the cursor position is not remembered between each content change, and is moved to the start of the editor.

Reproducible steps:

  1. ensure data explorer plugin is updated to latest
  2. go to data explorer in admin page
  3. create a new query
  4. attempt to change the query in the editor

Initial Analysis:
This seems to be caused by the following commit, which adds an @onChange event hook that mutates the sql query content, causing the @content prop to update with new content.

Rolling back to before the above commit in a dev env, the editor interacted normally.


Thank you for this excellent bug report, we will get it sorted over the next week!


What’s your Discourse version? It does seem to work correctly with the latest core commit, and should work with any tagged version (incl. the latest v3.4.0.beta1)

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The initial report was tested in 3.4.0.beta1-dev ( 9d5eb6fed6 )

Updating Discourse to the latest commit 3.4.0.beta2-dev ( 7b89fdead9 ), it works properly.


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