Dealing with email from staged users


First, I want to mention I found some topics about my problem, but I didn’t find any solutions so I try here ! Second, I’m quite new to dealing with discourse settings…

We have a discourse forum helping us dealing with a self-managed cultural space. We receive a lot of emails from outside (staged_user).

We sent our emails to a category so everyone can answer them. From there many differents problems.

  1. When we reply in the category (as a topic) to the email, the staged user will or not receive the email totally ramdomly, I didn’t managed to understand when/what make the reply email goes through or not…

  2. Trying to deal with this problem, I realized we receive dozens of (legit) emails that got rejected. Mainly because they are forward or from automatized (artists seems to use it a lot to send their proposal to cultural place). Is there a way to remove this security ?

  3. In the rejected users, I also have : Email::Receiver::InsufficientTrustLevelError](https://XXXXXX/admin/email/rejected) which is weird since they are staged user ? What am I missing here ?

Thank you very much for your help !