Debugging AI chat


I’m getting this error when I have a personality enabled through the AI plugin and have created a user then I tried messaging the AI directly:

Sorry, it looks like our system encountered an unexpected issue while trying to reply.

{“object”:“error”,“message”:“"auto" tool choice requires --enable-auto-tool-choice and --tool-call-parser to be set”,“type”:“BadRequestError”,“param”:null,“code”:400}

What how can I set?:

What is the LLM that you are trying to chat with ?

Thanks for respodning Falco!

I used a default LLM:
bge-large-en CDCK
CDCK Hosted Large LLM

Also can you clarify if this LLM is free to use? Are there additional costs using that LLM?

The CDCK Hosted Large LLM is only available for summarization. It isn’t available for AI Bot conversations at the moment.


Thank you for clarifying that.

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This will make restrict the LLM selector to allowed models.


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