Deletion of "Feedback" fails due to unknown chat channel dependency?

I am trying to delete the pre-seeded “Feedback” category because we moved all topics to another category. But this fails with an error:

Under /chat, you have a chat channel that is linked to this category. You’ll have to change that before deleting the category.

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Hm, ok, but I only see three channels which are not linked to this specific category, at least not obviously …

If you click into it > chat title, what do you see as the category?

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OK, it was the “general” channel, which was linked to the Feedback category.

If you delete it (assuming there are no messages), you should probably be able to delete the category. You cannot edit it directly, though.

Its already deleted, thanks. The workflow was:

  1. delete/move topics
  2. remove the link between the chat channel and the category (in my case this was the “general” channel)
  3. delete “Feedback” category

Yep. I assume the category allows itself to be deleted now?

yes, its deleted now

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