Desktop to Mobile View Banner

:information_source: Summary This theme component adds a warning banner on a mobile device if it’s using the desktop view.
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:hammer_and_wrench: Repository GitHub - VaperinaDEV/desktop-to-mobile-view-banner
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Hello :wave:

This theme component adds a warning banner on a mobile device if it’s using the desktop view.

A common issue can be where a user accidentally uses the site on desktop view while using a mobile device. It can catch people unaware, the site won’t work as expected, and it hurts their general user experience.

This banner will warn those users they’re using the desktop view on a mobile device and offer them a link to click on to quickly rectify it.

There is a setting to change the desktop icon and translation (HTML format allowed) to change the text…


Very nice, thank you.

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Would it be possible to change to mobile view on narrow screens view without user action?