Developer's guide to Markdown extensions

Discourse uses a Markdown engine called Markdown-it.

Here are some dev notes that will help you either fix bugs in core or create your new plugins.

The Basics

Discourse only contains a few helpers on top of the engine, so the vast majority of learning that needs to be done, is understanding Markdown It.

The docs directory contains the current documentation.

I strongly recommend reading:

While I develop extensions for the engine I usually open up a second editor looking at existing rules. The engine consists of a long list of rules and each rule is in a dedicated file that is reasonably easy to follow.

If I am working on an inline rule I will think of what existing inline rule works more or less like it and base my work on it.

Keep in mind, you can sometimes get away with just changing a renderer to get desired functionality which is usually much easier.

How to structure an extension?

When the markdown engine initializes it searches through all the modules.

If any module is called /discourse-markdown\/|markdown-it\// (meaning it lives in a discourse-markdown or markdown-it directory) it will be a candidate for initialization.

If the module exports a method called setup it will be called by the engine during initialization.

The setup protocol


export function setup(helper) {
  // ... your code goes here

A setup method gets access to a helper object it can use for initialization. This contains the following methods and vars:

  • bool markdownIt : this property is set to true when the new engine is in use. For proper backwards compatibility you want to check it.

  • registerOptions(cb(opts, siteSettings, state)) : the provided function is called before the markdown engine is initialized, you can use it to determine if to enable or disable the engine.

  • allowList([spec, ...]): this method is used to allowlist HTML with our sanitizer.

  • registerPlugin(func(md)): this method is used to register a Markdown It plugin.

Putting it all together

function amazingMarkdownItInline(state, silent) {
   // standard markdown it inline extension goes here.
   return false;

export function setup(helper) {
   if(!helper.markdownIt) { return; }

      opts.features.['my_extension'] = !!siteSettings.my_extension_enabled;

   helper.allowList(['span.amazing', 'div.amazing']);

      md.inline.push('amazing', amazingMarkdownItInline);

Discourse specific extensions


Discourse contains 2 rulers you can use for custom BBCode tags. An inline and block level ruler.

Inline bbcode rules are ones that live in an inline paragraph like [b]bold[/b]

Block level rules apply to multiple lines of text like:

- option 1

- options 2

md.inline.bbcode.ruler holds a list of inline rules that are applied in order.

md.block.bbcode.ruler holds a list of block level rules

There are many examples for inline rules at: bbcode-inline.js

Quotes and polls are good examples of bbcode block rules.

Inline BBCode rules

Inline BBCode rules are an object containing information about how to handle a tag.

For example:

md.inline.bbcode.ruler.push("underline", {
  tag: "u",
  wrap: "span.bbcode-u",

Will cause

test [u]test[/u]

To be converted to:

test <span class="bbcode-u">test</span>

Inline rules can either wrap or replace text. When wrapping you can also pass in a function to gain extra flexibility.

md.inline.bbcode.ruler.push("url", {
  tag: "url",
  wrap: function (startToken, endToken, tagInfo, content) {
    const url = (tagInfo.attrs["_default"] || content).trim();

    if (simpleUrlRegex.test(url)) {
      startToken.type = "link_open";
      startToken.tag = "a";
      startToken.attrs = [
        ["href", url],
        ["data-bbcode", "true"],
      startToken.content = "";
      startToken.nesting = 1;

      endToken.type = "link_close";
      endToken.tag = "a";
      endToken.content = "";
      endToken.nesting = -1;
    } else {
      // just strip the bbcode tag
      endToken.content = "";
      startToken.content = "";

      // edge case, we don't want this detected as a onebox if auto linked
      // this ensures it is not stripped
      startToken.type = "html_inline";

    return false;

The wrapping function provides access to:

  • The tagInfo, which is a dictionary of key/values specified via bbcode.

    [test=testing]{_default: "testing"}
    [test a=1]{a: "1"}

  • The token starting the inline

  • The token finishing the inline

  • The content of the bbcode inline

Using this information you can handle all sort of wrapping needs.

Occasionally you may want to replace the entire BBCode block, for that you can use replace

md.inline.bbcode.ruler.push("code", {
  tag: "code",
  replace: function (state, tagInfo, content) {
    let token;
    token = state.push("code_inline", "code", 0);
    token.content = content;
    return true;

In this case we are replacing an entire [code]code block[code] with a single code_inline token.

Block BBCode rules

Block bbcode rules allow you to replace an entire block. The block APIs are the same for simple cases:

md.block.bbcode.ruler.push("happy", {
  tag: "happy",
  wrap: "div.happy",

will become

<div class="happy">hello</div>

The function wrapper has a slightly different API cause there are not wrapping tokens.

md.block.bbcode.ruler.push("money", {
  tag: "money",
  wrap: function (token, tagInfo) {
    token.attrs = [["data-money", tagInfo.attrs["_default"]]];
    return true;

Will become

<div data-money="100">

You can gain full control over block rendering with before and after rule, this allows you to do stuff like double nest a tag and so on.

md.block.bbcode.ruler.push("ddiv", {
  tag: "ddiv",
  before: function (state, tagInfo) {
    state.push("div_open", "div", 1);
    state.push("div_open", "div", 1);
  after: function (state) {
    state.push("div_close", "div", -1);
    state.push("div_close", "div", -1);

will become


Handling text replacements

Discourse ships with an extra special core rule for applying regular expressions to text.


To use:

md.core.textPostProcess.ruler.push("onlyfastcars", {
  matcher: /(car)|(bus)/, //regex flags are NOT supported
  onMatch: function (buffer, matches, state) {
    let token = new state.Token("text", "", 0);
    token.content = "fast " + matches[0];
I like cars and buses

Will become

<p>I like fast cars and fast buses</p>

This document is version controlled - suggest changes on github.