Developing Discourse Plugins - Part 2 - Connect to a plugin outlet

Yes, and presumably you can apply to every available Theme so this can’t be switched off? (to address @sarahann concern about this approach).

I could use display: none but it might now be as secure as we need it to be. And I figured it would be helpful to have a discussion on how to remove / change Discourse UI templates.


It’s tricky to do properly, unfortunately. For a big customer of ours who needs functionality removed, my approach has been to hide the elements with CSS and remove the controller side actions by using add_to_class to overwrite the methods with an error in plugin.rb.


I have a same problem. I’m working on plugin with topic, and I have to change the html structures but it’s impossible with only CSS. So I was tried to overwrite template but changes never applied.
So do you have find any solution for that?

You can override any template in the application if you like (although outlets are always preferred!). How were you doing it? did you confirm the name is exactly the same as the template you are replacing?


I tried to override the “list/topic-list-item.raw.hbs” template, but even though I removed all of the content in template, the topic items still appearing as original, any changing in override template never worked.
Please help me what I was wrong.

See: for an example of how it is done.


When I run the command git grep “plugin-outlet” – “*.hbs” in my Linux Terminal, nothing shows up. Any ideas why? Thanks for your help!

Caveat: This is a sysadmin answer, not a plugin developer answer, and I can’t guess what you might have done before you did your git command.

Did you add it to git? What about

 grep -r plugin-outlet .

Building on Jay’s shoulders here, you can of course focus on the specific file type:

grep -r "plugin-outlet" --include \*.hbs


Is there anything you need to consider differently if the plugin outlet looks like this?

{{plugin-outlet name="users-top" connectorTagName="div" args=(hash model=model)}}

do the connectorTagName and args attributes mean that plugin developers have particular constraints or extra accesses when using these outlets?

Yes you are meant to work with the API that the outlets establish.

In the users-top you are passed a model which you can use, and the connector will be rendered with a div in this case.


I haven’t found {{plugin-outlet}}. I found some components with the same name. Are they the same?

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I think Discourse’s code changed and that the guide may be outdated.

Looking for this example:

I found this instead:

And using this amazing theme component Plugin outlet locations theme component I can see this outlet where it should be:

To answer your question, my guess is it’s the same, but with a new syntax.


I’ve also found this tag. Could someone confirm that they all the same?

{{~raw-plugin-outlet name="topic-list-after-title"}}

The most up-to-date reference on plug-in outlets is here:

I’ll try and get the OP here updated in the next few days


OP updated with the new syntax, and a link to the full documentation