I’ve tried numerous times, however when Discourse set up checks the hostname, it NEVER finds it accessible on either 443 or 80.
This is even though I’ve used the standard Digital Ocean set up which states these ports are open.
I’ve checked DNS for the sub domain I’m trying to using dnschecker.org and all looks ok.
However when I try set up the same always comes back:
"Checking your domain name . . .
WARNING:: This server does not appear to be accessible at surf-restart.bigspin.co.uk:443.
A connection to http://surf-restart.bigspin.co.uk (port 80) also fails."
Just testing at the moment, but the Droplet is at and the test domain is surf-restart.bigspin.co.uk
Can anyone help, all I’m looking to do at this stage is try out Discourse, I’m 4 hours in already and got nowhere!