Port 443 of computer does not appear to be accessible using hostname

am trying to run Discourse on digital ocean. I am facing this problem.

Checking your domain name . . .
WARNING: Port 443 of computer does not appear to be accessible using hostname:                                                                                                               [discourse.32questions.com](http://discourse.32questions.com/).
WARNING: Connection to [http://discourse.32questions.com](http://discourse.32questions.com/) (port 80) also fails.
[09:35, 7/26/2020] VM: This suggests that [discourse.32questions.com](http://discourse.32questions.com/) resolves to some IP address that do                                                                                                             es not reach this
machine where you are installing discourse.

The first thing to do is confirm that [discourse.32questions.com](http://discourse.32questions.com/) resolves to the  IP address of this server.
You usually do this at the same place you purchased the domain.

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If that is the correct ip for your droplet then the next possibility is that you somehow have some firewall configured.


Since I have never created an A record take this with a grain of salt.

Checking the DNS A record for 32questions.com succeeds. (ref)

Checking the DNS record for discourse.32questions.com fails. (ref)

Checking the DNS record for www.32questions.com succeeds. (ref)


Your IP is pointing to 32questions.com, but the settings are set to discourse.32questions.com
