Disable email or provide Contact URL on About page

I’m not saying it’s the best way… but a simple way of using a URL on the about page would be to paste something like this into your Admin > Customize >CSS/HTML > </head>

<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='about'>
<div class='container body-page'>
  <section class='about'>
    <h2>{{i18n 'about.title' title=title}}</h2>

  {{#if admins}}
    <section class='about admins'>
      <h3>{{i18n 'about.our_admins'}}</h3>

      {{#each a in admins}}
        {{user-small user=a}}
      <div class='clearfix'></div>


  {{#if moderators}}
    <section class='about moderators'>
      <h3>{{i18n 'about.our_moderators'}}</h3>

      <div class='users'>
        {{#each m in moderators}}
          {{user-small user=m}}
      <div class='clearfix'></div>

  <section class='about stats'>
    <h3>{{i18n 'about.stats'}}</h3>

    <table class='table'>
        <th>{{i18n 'about.stat.all_time'}}</th>
        <th>{{i18n 'about.stat.last_7_days'}}</th>
        <td class='title'>{{i18n 'about.topic_count'}}</td>
        <td>{{number stats.topic_count}}</td>
        <td>{{number stats.topics_7_days}}</td>
        <td>{{i18n 'about.post_count'}}</td>
        <td>{{number stats.post_count}}</td>
        <td>{{number stats.posts_7_days}}</td>
        <td>{{i18n 'about.user_count'}}</td>
        <td>{{number stats.user_count}}</td>
        <td>{{number stats.users_7_days}}</td>
        <td>{{i18n 'about.like_count'}}</td>
        <td>{{number stats.like_count}}</td>
        <td>{{number stats.likes_7_days}}</td>

  <section class='about contact'>
      <h3>{{i18n 'about.contact'}}</h3>
      <p>You can always get in touch with us here: <a href="http://www.example.com/contact_form">Contact Form</a></p>


EDIT: this content was taken from the template and modified.

Hopefully the Discourse team will confirm this will allow you to leave your contact email in place in the settings.

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