Discord login and obtain discord roles in discourse

I was looking around and was wondering if anyone has been able to use the discord login and been able to obtain the roles assigned in the discord server? for example:

  • My Discord server is mydiscord.
  • I have 20 users and 2 admins.
  • They login into discourse using discord and obtain auto admin for those 2 users and everyone else is a regular user.

is this possible yet using the discord login? or need to do some API calls to discord?


Yeah I love this idea.

Syncing Discore roles with badges would be genius as well!


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This may help:


My only issue with the current implementation of that plugin, is how you have to manually sync, and it seems to sync all custom roles. I generally speaking, just want it to sync specific roles I ask it to, and be able to possibly even tell it what role to match it against on my discord server. Not let it create that role entirely on its own.

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