Discord-rolesync plugin


makes sure your discord roles stay in sync with your discourse groups.


DiscordRolesync is a plugin for syncing your discord roles with discourse groups. short tutorial video



I’ve installed and was able to configure all the settings in discourse.
However I receive

Processing by DiscordRolesync::SyncsController#botstats as JSON
Required plugin 'DiscordRolesync' not found

Plugin name is 'DiscordRolesync', but plugin directory is named 'discord-rolesync'

I was able to sync roles once i was logged in.
But noticed it didn’t grant roles to another user upon first login
Have to click sync for every user that joins the discourse

I get the error in the above comment too. My site also dosnt load when it’s in and only loads when the plugin is removed

Yeah my site won’t load either after installing this plugin. Uninstalling it to see if it fixes the issue.