Discourse AI - Chat integration


:bookmark: This guide explains how to integrate Discourse AI into your Chat experience.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator

Discourse AI allows you to integrate with chat, enabling powerful conversational interactions with AI personas.

Enabling Chat for a Persona

To enable chat for a persona, follow these steps:

  1. Set Allow Chat to true on the persona. This will allow the persona to receive direct messages (DMs).

  2. Optionally, enable mentions for the persona. This will allow users in allowed groups to @mention the AI bot in channels.

:information_source: In order to integrate with Chat, a person must have a User defined and created and have a Default Language Model selected.

Tips for configuring chat personas

When configuring a persona for chat, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Max Context Posts: Chat messages tend to be short, so consider increasing the Max Context Posts setting to a higher number for personas focused on mentions. This will allow the AI to maintain more context from previous messages.

  • Default LLM and User: Chat can only be enabled on a persona if you enable both a default LLM (language model) and user. Make sure to properly configure these settings.

  • PM-based Features: All features available for PM-based personas are also available for chat personas. However, the optional advanced debugging information displayed in PMs is not shown in chat.

Auditing chat interactions

Auditing chat interactions can be a bit more challenging compared to other methods. However, ai_api_audit_logs will still have full logs of all chat interactions. You can query these logs using the Data Explorer in Discourse.

Chat behavior

When interacting with chat personas, keep the following behavior in mind:

  • DM: A new thread will be unconditionally created for every new message sent to the bot via DM.

  • Channel: When replying directly to a message in a channel and threading is enabled, a new thread will be created. Otherwise, the reply will be added to the channel.

Additional resources

Last edited by @hugh 2024-08-06T02:12:30Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-08-06T02:12:37Z

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A post was split to a new topic: AI Chat not reacting to mentions on renamed users

This is an amazing plugin and it’s working well. However, I have two issues that I haven’t been able to resolve after any tinkering:

  1. I’m not able to select any default language model. Whenever I try to type in a name it only returns “No matches found”. Therefore I can’t use the chat feature for the persona.
  2. For some reason when interacting with the bot via DM, the images are not uploading (using GPT-4o with vision enabled)

I’d be very thankful for any pointers on these two dilemmas.

Can you confirm if this is working properly now (be sure to update to latest) we redid how LLMs are configured.

All fixed. Y’all are seriously the best.

1 Like

Hello, can we setup so only allow the bot reply in certain chat channel ? thanks

Not at the moment, but this is certainly a good idea to add. Keep in mind it only replies on mentions at the moment, so it is quite hidden. Also we respect the permission on the persona so if users don’t have access to the person they will not hear back when they @mention.