Discourse and Coveo

Hi all!

Has anyone here used Coveo with their Discourse? And if so, would you be open to let us know how you were able to do so and which pricing structure you’re on?

Thanks so much!

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Not Coveo but this might interest you as it’s a solution in a similar domain

Chatbot uses semantic and hybrid search of knowledge bases created by the site moderators and can provide expert answers to user queries in natural language. It can also escalate to humans when needed.

Can you elaborate on what you want to use Coveo for?


There is a post from a few months ago where someone mentioned that they were indexing their Discourse site with Coveo: Issue with API for indexing with Coveo.

They posted a reply in that topic that shows how Coveo is configured to index the site. It seems that the configuration is auto generated by Coveo.

Looking at it now, when using this approach, you’d need to be sure that the API requests to Discourse could be rate limited to a maximum of 1 request per second. Without a rate limit you’d risk triggering timeout errors on Discourse.

This approach could work on any of the hosting plans that allow for API access.


We have integrated custom search results into Discourse in the past (Algolia and Coveo).

It would be an Enterprise plan type of thing, given the complexity. If you’d like to discuss, shoot off an email to team@discourse.org. The more details we have about your specific integration needs, the better we’ll be able to help you.

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