Discourse and Ipv6

my host supports ipv6, found out a day later, will switching to IPv6 affect users logged in session?, is it safe to just add the AAA record? so ipv4 + ipv6 record would be there

If your forum’s server already has IPv6 configured, adding an AAAA record to your forum’s DNS will not impact your forum itself in any way, it will only give your users another way to connect to it.
If you don’t have IPv6 configured on your server yet, it’s harder to be sure, but users will definitely not be logged out as a result of enabling IPv6.

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I see, ipv6 is already set up on it apparently, I just don’t want it to affect user session in anyway, had issues with downtime and im on a stable host now. so adding ipv6 record with already ipv4 record on it will be fine 100%, got it, thanks

As far as I’m aware, unless you’re (a) moving your forum to a different host by creating a backup and restoring it elsewhere or (b) changing your forum’s domain, nothing you do to your forum’s server should have any impact on user sessions.

I mean im sure domain would? but thanks, got it :slight_smile:

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