Discourse Anonymous Post

:information_source: Summary allows posting as anonymous user via a button in composer, without the need to switch to anonymous mode
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/fokx/discourse-anonymous-post
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse


  • currently only support reply
  • currently all users share one anonymous account


enable it, and then configure anonymous post user (the anonymous identity you want to post as, you need to create one if it does not exist yet)


  • support ‘create new topic anonymously’
  • support ‘different identity for each user’
  • rate limit (by IP / user)
  • add configuration to limit anonymous posting to certain categories


Greatly inspired and helped by communiteq/discourse-anonymous-categories and muhlisbc/discourse-scheduled-reply-plugin. Thanks :heart:.


I don’t know why, but this plugin doesn’t work when paviliondev/discourse-events is installed and enabled.


One small cosmetic request: order of buttons. Reply should be first and after that anon reply. And anon could be use not-so-CTA color.

The reason is simple. Quite often we would like to see normal posts with names, not by anons. But sure, this depends.

And… if there is need to offer just anon-posts in some category, we have a plugin to that purpose, but this could be alternative if we can hide ordinary reply-button. CSS is the easiest way I reckon.