Discourse Another SMTP

:information_source: Summary This plugin allows you to add another SMTP server for sending emails to specific email addresses
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link Lhcfl/discourse-another-smtp (github.com)
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse


This plugin is very simple: it gives you some options, and the email address in the settings will use an alternative smtp server instead of the one you configured in app.yml

What is it for?

For self-hosted forums, some email providers, such as Outlook, will sometimes unreasonably block your mail server because they “think” you are sending spam.

This plugin provides you with another solution besides never-ending complaints: separate emails belonging to such mail service providers and use more reliable (but probably more expensive or limited) smtp services to send mail.



不知道smtp.office365.com 可以吗?

I wonder if smtp.office365.com would work?

想问一下如何知道是否已经在运行了呢 能否加一个发送测试邮件的选择
I was wondering how to know if it’s already running? Could you add an option to send a test email?

I’m glad I found this plugin, as we have issues sending mails to GMail users.
I installed the plugin, but mails to GMail are still not going out. I’m unsure with some options and maybe I misconfigured. I miss documentation about which authentication modes are possible and if SSL/TLS is available. And I’m unsure what to put in " maillist allowing emails"

I tried all three options from E-Mails über einen Drucker, Scanner oder eine App senden - Google Workspace-Admin-Hilfe without success. These are my current settings: