I am putting this here because the “bug” section had a definition that looked pretty stringent, and this isn’t really stopping the normal use of discourse.
Anyhow, I have discourse-auto-deactivate set to deactivate any account that hasn’t been active in 90 days. However, the plugin still writes “Account inactive for more than 1 year.” when an account is deactivated. It’s really not the end of the world, or anything it’s just obnoxious to all of our admins. me. I wish it wasn’t, I wish I wasn’t having to bother anyone with this.
I was looking at the code on GitHub and found relatively easily the string in the locales/server.en.yaml - great! I’m an after-hours amateur dev, so this seems pretty straight forward:
- Clone the repo
- Fix the string “Account inactive for more than 1 year.” on line 7 of the config/locales/server.en.yml to say “Account inactive for more than 90 days.”
- Commit the change back to the repo
- Modify my app.yaml to clone my repo of the plugin at build rather than discourse official repo
- ???
- Profit.
Old, withered, and decayed memes aside, I just wanted to confirm that this all makes sense as a way to make my logs accurate. If I knew even a lick of Ruby I’d fix it so that it read the number of days from the settings yaml and worded the reason in a way that’s always accurate to the users settings or whatever, but I don’t know Ruby and I don’t plan on changing this ever again – so as a crude stop gap, is there a part of the process I’m not thinking about? Is there any possibility of me hosing the environment (I obviously recognize that anytime code is changed, there’s a risk, but I mean a risk that’s coming from a gross misunderstanding of what I’m changing vs. my end result.)
Thanks for all the help!