Discourse B-net

Is this plugin safe to install on the latest discourse?


Latest commit 2014? I doubt it


I was thinking the same.

Try contact to Alex, and ask him :slight_smile:
4 days ago he was working on other repo.

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What’s this plugin used for?

The API is fine, main issue I can see with the plugin is that the dependency on the battlenet gem needs to be updated, should be trivial.

this is an Oauth login for battle.net which includes overwatch, world of warcraft and several other games. This could be a great login platform after steam probably, for gaming communities.

@sam the gem update does look 1 year old.

Last time I read Blizzard API docs, they didn’t provide email on OAuth, so the login workflow is sub-optimal for Discourse.


If they provide a blizz id (like Steam does), this would still be useful for other applications. Not to me, but for Steam for example – Steam is linked to our API. If we have their ID, we can have them make all types of fun API calls to get information about their account (beyond Steam) just because we have the ID. This is done via PlayFab (or GameSparks) – any type of BaaS

I bet there are other fan sites out there that do the same. But… Blizz logins are not necessarily POPULAR, so…

I actually went researching this a while ago.

Using steam id to add a Dota player MMR on his profile from OpenDota, or the BattleNet Battle Tag to add the user MMR on Overwatch from MasterOverwatch.

With Discourse:

  • Background Jobs
  • Custom User Fields
  • Templates Overwriting / Widgets Decoration

the sky is the limit!