Discourse Central Theme β€” Meta Pre-Release Out Now!


I just noticed this myself too. I have to scroll back to the start of topic to search a couple of times, which made me feel frustrated at losing my place in the topic.

Incorrect reply icon

I also noticed that the icon for a reply to a previous post now seems to be incorrect (it shows as :outbox_tray:, when it ought to be a curved arrow.)

Consistency with Rounded Edges

I notice that these buttons in the top right have rounded edges:


It would also be nice to have other buttons have rounded edges too. e.g.



I do realise that it might be easier with the Discourse buttons theme component though – but just wanted to bring it up.

Topic slider

On desktop Safari, with a post open, I click the topic’s post navigator (not sure of official term). Here is a pic:

This is what it looks like β€” the bottom is cut off unfortunately:

Category pages

For the category description, I think that it seems to be too similar to the topic titles, and it was too hard to distinguish β€” I thought it was a topic title at first glance.

Maybe having the description in smaller font and on a very light grey background would help to distinguish it.