Discourse Central Theme — Meta Pre-Release Out Now!

If you have a getting started button, the search-bar is not aligned properly.


The central theme is acting weird on my tablet. Especially in mobile mode. Can’t see the sidebar. Can’t see the bottom navigation either.


I’ve just merged some updates to the theme…

This should work now! the styles for the highlighting were missing

Yes, I’ve darkened some text with this update

Valid point… I’ve removed this font declaration so we’re back on the site defaults. We already have site settings called base font and heading font which an admin can set to system if they liked the previous option.

Another option an admin would have if they only want to change the fonts in this theme, would be to create a component from admin/customize/theme-components and add

:root {
  --heading-font-family: system-ui, helvetica, sans-serif;
  --font-family: system-ui, helvetica, sans-serif;

This should be aligned with the logo correctly now

Thanks for reporting it! It wasn’t displaying at all for tablets, should be there once updated


That’s lots better. I still get confused on
vs . I sometimes click so many times to figure it out that I get rate limited. But that could be a personal problem. :person_shrugging:


The theme looks amazing! Here are a few small bugs I found:

  1. While scrolling the widgets go to the bottom.

  2. The 404 page, and a lot of other pages needs padding

  3. The dropdown is a bit smaller than the buttons

  4. If everything has is rounded corners (all buttons on discourse), it’ll look amazing.

  5. The first person’s pfp on the top contributors widget, is too big

  6. The notification icon disappears when it loses hover (in dark mode)


The emoji selector seems to have a z-index that is too low (can be reproduced on meta)


I can’t find your theme.


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good themes

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Found a bug, the bookmark’s page is broken:

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Good morning,

I see an update was performed on this. However, are the folders (icons) a default in the categories? I would like to have them so you can either have them or not.

Also, notice that on my Samsung Galaxy Fold 5, the bottom part is cut in half.

Sorry for continuing to add to this topic. I should have checked everything so it was merged into one.

I also use the AI to PMs on my forum, and the setting is enabled but doesn’t appear.

“Display a button in the header to start a PM with a AI Bot”

I’m not able to find a hamburger or a menu in the Central theme on mobile (iOS 18 on iPhone 13 Pro) either in DiscourseHub or Chrome or Safari.

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This is reported few times in Central topic, but because hamburger has been missing since day one I consider this desktop only. Otherwise such major flaw would be fixed long time ago.